


Infographic realized withDairo Guzmán Pérez


Before beginning

Maraza, is a product made by alternative cultives in the Suaza county in Huila, Colombia, that is looking forward to open doors abroad by exportations through third parties, in other words, is not looking to sell directly to the consumers but to the distributors.


Create a brand identity of Maraza, an iced drink of Maracuya (Passion fruit), that represent the agricultural sector and the product itself.

Versiones Maraza
Tarjetas Maraza
Tarjetas Maraza
Tarjetas Maraza
Naming Maraza

C: 1% M: 20% Y: 91% K: 0%
R: 253 G: 203 B: 20

C: 2% M: 61% Y: 95% K: 0%
R: 236 G: 122 B: 24

C: 33% M: 78% Y: 81% K: 41%
R: 125 G: 57 B: 38

Research and concept process

The brand created has the characteristic of the Maracuya fruit and it was developed differents visual information supports, to be shown in exhibitions and fairs, which shows the specific information of the fruit, as well as the principal producers and consumers by countries, national and regional ranks, explain how the the cultive are realized and other information as pathogens and benefits of the maracuya, in that way establish a solid relationship with the future sponsors.

Plegable Maraza
Plegable Maraza
Plegable Maraza


Huila, it become a concept, due that this product want to become a symbol of this region, represented with the letter “M” that at the same time is an abstraction of the Nevado del Huila Volcano, symbol of Huila,Natural, represented in the color palette, which are the colors of the fruit, the typography, which is organic and the representation of another characteristic of the fruit: the seeds, that also connect with the concept of Refresh, which is represented with two seeds with the form of drops, which connect as well with the product: ice drink.

Infografía Maraza
Infografía Maraza
Infografía Maraza
Bolsa Maraza
Granizado Maraza
Piezas Maraza
Ilustración Maraza