Raul Fonseca

Work realized for Raul Fonseca

Concept and brand strategy: Carolina Caldas F.

Raul Fonseca

Before beginning

Raul Fonseca is a surgical doctor specializes in alternative therapies with focus on the chineses traditional medicine.


Create a visual identity that emphasized the value of the alternative medicine.


Raul Fonseca

Searching the healing for some people is on one direction and for others in on another one, there's not a correct way for everyone, there's a correct way for each person.
With a help of an expert, the process of recovering with be constant.
The Doc.


Raul Fonseca
Tarjetas Personales
Raul Fonseca logo

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Searching the healing for some people is on one direction and for others in on another one, there's not a correct way for everyone, there's a correct way for each person.

With a help of an expert, the process of recovering with be constant.


The path to recovering is dynamic.

Raul Fonseca
Raul Fonseca
Raul Fonseca
Raul Fonseca
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Raul Fonseca