
Domus Academy in collaboration with L'Uomo Vogue

Work realized with Victor Rosas, Parvathy Bhojan, Chloe Lee and Daniel Wagemans

My role: Design and concept

360 L'Uomo Vogue

Before beginning

L’Uomo Vogue not only is one of the most influential men fashion magazine, but also an international worldwide reference brand for lifestyle, fashion and culture. Without local version abroad, is distributed in the original language as a symbol of italian lifestyle authority.


Through a new business model, L’Uomo Vogue need to create brand awareness and brand engagement, in order to continue to connect audience in the future, expanding their customer local target.

Research and concept process

L'Uomo Vogue investigación

L After the research process and understanding that the brand L’Uomo Vogue goes beyond the magazine, we mix what they wanted and what the brand can offer: Knowledge, authenticity, good taste and networking.


Evolving L’Uomo Vogue to a 360° italian style experience

Estar L'Uomo Vogue

5 sense experience in an unique location, with goods curated with the “italian eye”.
(L’Uomo Vogue magazines, photography, cosmetics, perfumes, authentic food and liquors, classic music, audio system, free-trial italian clothes, furniture and illumination).

Viajar L'Uomo Vogue

Explore the italian fashion sphere trou exclusive activities organized by L’Uomo Vogue.
(Driving, shopping, fashion industry, interior shops, exclusive dinners, parties and PR).

Poster L'Uomo Vogue
Poster L'Uomo Vogue
Pauta L'Uomo Vogue
Poster L'Uomo Vogue
Versiones L'Uomo Vogue


Experiences, authority, knowledge, represented with the Didot typography, the same on of Vogue, to make a reference of who they are and their, headquarter, Intrigue at the moment to get the 360° experience of L’Uomo Vogue, due that the complete information of the location of activities is not revealed. You acquire a guarantee experience, and Exclusive , exclusive experience, represented with one unique red element.

Etiqueta L'Uomo Vogue
Intinerario L'Uomo Vogue
Concepto textura
Caja L'Uomo Vogue 360º
Caja L'Uomo Vogue 360º
Caja personalizada L'Uomo Vogue 360º
Caja personalizada L'Uomo Vogue 360º
PortavasosL'Uomo Vogue 360º
Caja L'Uomo Vogue 360º

New endless ecosystem

Ecosistema 360º